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South Slope Provides Matching Charity Grants to Support Local Needs

December 4, 2019

North Liberty, IA  South Slope Cooperative Communications and Aureon are pleased to announce that matching charity grants have been awarded to the Coralville Food Pantry, the Optimist Club of North Liberty, the North Liberty Community Pantry and the Solon History Project. The Aureon Charity Grant Committee reviews many applications, and they carefully delegate funds to projects committed to the betterment of local communities.

Coralville Community Food Pantry contributes directly to the health and well being of more than 3,200 children and adults each year. They will use their grant funds to purchase a new 3-door freezer. The freezer will assist the pantry with its mission of providing weekly food assistance to nearly 250 families in both Coralville and Tiffin.

Optimist Club of North Liberty is a group of generous community members who help those in need. The Optimists will use their funds to further develop their annual Kid-Friendly Food and Winter Outerwear Project that provides food and care items for children of low-income families. The goal of the project is to provide sufficient foods to replace the breakfasts and lunches students would normally receive at school while they are off for winter break. Additionally, the program provides snow pants, boots, mittens, hats and coats to keep children warm all season long.

North Liberty Community Pantry will use their grant funds to upgrade their current computer networking system by installing a new business-grade router and wireless access points, as well as purchasing a new desktop computer. This updated system will be used to check-in each family that visits and uses pantry services.

Solon History Project was assembled in 2007 to organize, index and preserve historical documents and artifacts located in the Solon Public Library. In 2018, the City of Solon acquired a repurposed building as a Community Center and designated a History Room to The Solon History Group. They will use their funds to acquire up-to-date technology for their newly established History Center including a new computer, printer and computer software.

Grant applications are available at Grants are awarded quarterly and amounts are determined by an independent charity grant committee.

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