South Slope Provides Matching Grants to Support Local Organizations
June 8, 2023
South Slope Cooperative Communications and Aureon are pleased to announce that matching charity grants have been awarded to the Amana Heritage Society, the North Liberty Community Pantry, Wishes for Wildlife Foundation, Safe Haven of Iowa County, Junior Achievement of Eastern Iowa, and the Amana Benefited Fire District. The Aureon Charity Grant Committee delegates funds to projects committed to the betterment of local communities.
The Amana Heritage Society will use their grant funds to purchase a theft, fire, and water security system in their School House to help protect the priceless collections from potential theft or destruction.
The North Liberty Community Pantry will use their grant funds to purchase two new computers, docking stations, monitors and peripherals to help the pantry provide more efficient operations and customer service.
The Wishes for Wildlife Foundation will use their grant funds for Phase 2 of their “Sustainable Wildlife Food Source” project that focuses on planting green browse food plots for wildlife, while also keeping pollinators at the forefront, in efforts to encourage the balance of natural ecosystems and pollination.
Safe Haven of Iowa County will use grant funds to purchase three custom-built dog room dividers to serve as a barrier between the dogs in their kennels and the dogs being walked by, creating a safer environment for the dogs and volunteers.
The Junior Achievement of Eastern Iowa will use their grant funds to purchase items for their new program – JA BizTown® Mobile where students can simulate purchasing and learn the value of money and business development.
The Amana Benefited Fire District will use grant funds to replace the Amana Fire Department’s outdated thermal imaging camera to allow teams to split up for a more rapid assessment of the dangers.